Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation Brampton: Types of Clothes You Should Wear Post Surgery

After undergoing any form of surgery, it is essential to identify and wear the most comfortable clothing. You should completely relax your body while providing support to any areas that require special care. Breast augmentation Brampton is an invasive procedure; thus, you should expect some level of discomfort during recovery. However, having the right clothes will help you stay comfortable throughout the recovery process. That said, here are the types of clothes you should have.


Bras top the list since breast augmentation Brampton procedure involves the breasts. Depending on your doctor, you may have to wear compression bras immediately after the procedure to prevent shifting of the implant and swelling. Other doctors recommend going without a bra for a few days after surgery. Do what your doctor recommends, as this will put you at a faster recovery rate.


due to the soreness around your chest area, you will want to wear clothes that are easy to put on and take off. Loose-fitting shirts, blouses, and zip-up jackets are recommended. Moving your arms from your body will be difficult and painful. As such, wear anything that you will easily slide on and off your body, as this will minimize the pain that you will experience.


Breast augmentation Brampton will not affect your limbs and the lower part of your body. However, the movement that comes with wearing and removing pants exacerbates the pain and tenderness in your upper body. If you have time off after the surgery, go for pyjamas as they are soft, cozy, and warm features you will need in comfortable clothes.

You will need to continue wearing the above-described clothes for at least a week after your surgery. You can then start to wear your regular clothes if your body feels ready and comfortable. The better you take care of yourself, the faster you will recover and resume normal activities.

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