Breast Implants

Breast Implants Ajax: Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy

Mastectomy is a medical procedure that removes an entire breast to control cancer. Depending on the procedure carried out, the skin and nipples can sometimes be saved. Breast implants Ajax is one of the best ways through which you can reconstruct the breasts after mastectomy. Here are more insights.

Surgery Requirements

A reconstruction surgery after mastectomy requires at least two operations. During the first operation, the plastic surgeon inserts a tissue expander in the form of a flat water balloon. The balloon will be gradually filled with water over a certain period until you achieve the desired size. The cosmetic surgeon will remove the expander during the second operation and replace it with an implant. During this visit, you can have additional procedures performed, such as nipple and areola reconstruction or revision to make the boobs perfect.

Types of Breast Implants to consider

Saline Implants

These are the oldest form of breast implants Ajax in use. They are filled with sterile saltwater. A newer version known as a structured saline implant has been developed to suit the needs of mastectomy reconstruction. It is made with a special inner structure that gives the breast a natural look and feel.

Silicone Implants

These feel more like natural breast tissues. Most options are made from cohesive gel, a superior version of the regular silicone implant. The form-stable implants are popularly referred to as highly cohesive or gummy bear breast implants. This type maintains its shape even if the shell is broken or cut.

Immediate or delayed reconstruction?

Immediate reconstruction starts at the same time as the mastectomy. Breast preparation is done, and the implant placement is done at the same time as the mastectomy. However, very few women qualify for immediate reconstruction. Delayed reconstruction is where the breast implants Ajax are placed months after the mastectomy.

If you are still under chemotherapy, reconstruction might not be a good idea. Discuss with your doctor other reconstruction procedures.

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