Plastic Surgeon

Common Solutions Used By a Plastic Surgeon Markham for Medium Chemical Peels

Despite your best efforts, some elements might still leave your skin looking wrinkled and dry. Several alternatives exist for the rejuvenation of your skin and a blemish-free and smooth look in this case. Some are, however, not only dangerous but have short-lived effects. One safe solution with long-lasting results that a plastic surgeon Markham might suggest for skin rejuvenation is the use of chemical peels. In this option, different solutions are applied to the skin you want to treat. The solutions exfoliate the skin to reveal smooth and young underlying skin. Light, medium, and deep chemical peels are the options you have in this skin rejuvenation treatment. Here are the solutions used for medium chemical peels.

TCA {Trichloroacetic Acid}

Most medium chemical peels contain 30-40% TCA. This is an ideal skin rejuvenating solution for dark-skinned people since it does not leave discolored sections on your skin like most deep peels. A few peels have 70% glycolic acid or Jessner’s solution to improve the absorption of TCA.

Jessner’s Solution

This is a mix of resorcinol, lactic acid, and salicylic acid. These ingredients are each used separately for light peels. When combined, the ingredients go a bit deeper into the skin layers that they would when used alone.

Glycolic Acid

This is combined with 35% TCA to boost the latter’s absorption. It comes from milk and fruit sugars and can be used alone for light chemical peels. A plastic surgeon Markham will often recommend glycolic acid for those with sensitive skin since it is a gentle agent.

The above types of chemical peels are only applied under the supervision of a plastic surgeon Markham. They will remove your top skin layer and remodel the middle layer. This boosts the skin’s appearance in people with sagging skin, discoloration, fine lines, and actinic keratonosis. The results of medium skin peels last for several months to years with optimal skincare.

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